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Modern Slavery Statement

This statement has been published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The statement sets out the steps taken by Simple box to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains.


Simple box is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in their business or in any of their supply chains.


Who is Simple Box


Simple box is a UK Food box business and on-line store. Simple box supplies customers with boxes which include partially prepared fine dining meals  with easy to follow instructions. Also operates and on-line food store with home prepared foods and refreshments. The business was founded in July 2020. 

Simple box is a business passionate about food, fresh ingredients amd healthy life style. Teams are working hard across the whole supply chain and operations in areas such as food waste reduction and removing plastic. Through its website Simple box also retails a specially curated range of finished goods via its online market.

The board of directors has overall responsibility for ensuring the business complies with our legal and ethical obligations. The General Counsel together with the Head of Buying has primary and day-to-day responsibility for implementing the Company’s Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking policy, monitoring its use and effectiveness, dealing with any queries about it, and auditing internal control systems and procedures to ensure they are effective in countering modern slavery.


Simple box's Supply Chains


Simple box source food ingredients from over 40 countries through UK importers and suppliers. Simple box does not currently have direct relationships with overseas suppliers at this time, however the UK based suppliers may have subsidiaries and joint ventures in other territories. All purchases and contracts are completed in the UK, Simple box does not employ agents to act on their behalf.

The indirect supply chains include services and products that are not for resale, instead they support the fulfillment centre and London headquarters. These services may include but are not limited to; operational infrastructure, courier and logistics services, warehousing, maintenance, IT and professional services such as marketing, human resources and consultant fees.


Progress to date


  1. Modern slavery training has been rolled out across the business, upskilling employees to help identify and raise any concerns throughout the supply chain.

  2. Supplier approval and onboarding process has been reviewed with updated due diligence requirements such as improved product specifications and questionnaires completed.

  3. Risk registers and whistle-blowing provision have been put in place across the business.


Focus for next 12 months


  1. Enhanced training will be delivered for the Simple box buying team.

  2. Growing the remit of the procurement function to increase coverage of spend and supplier assessment, in addition to the introduction of further third party contract approval stages.

  3. Continuously review the Simple box supplier approval process and update our supplier terms and conditions.


Throughout the year ahead the business will continuously evaluate risks in relation to Modern Slavery and will ensure the strategy is updated accordingly.


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